Everyone is affected by coronavirus.

As humankind, we are all going through one of the biggest, life-altering changes together. This global pandemic is crushing our security and testing our mental and physical health. We need to be continuously adapting to each new day. Living presently in the moment—hour to hour. 

Alex gives me the best advice. He recently told me to think of life like surfing a wave (some people like the roller coaster analogy but waves fit us more personally). There will be times when the wave closes out unexpectedly, sending you off your board, pushing you down into the belly of the ocean. You will fumble getting up, lose balance or better yet, the board comes flying at you when you're not looking and hits you straight in the mouth, making you lose a tooth (I lost one!). With situations like these, it seems like only a crazy person would want to surf. Yet, the moments when you are in the pocket, soaring down the line, you feel surreal, propelled into the now. Life is like a wave. You must learn to respect where you are on your path, fighting when you're pushed under the water until you reach the surface—always hoping that something good is just a set away. 

There is an overwhelming amount of information, giving insights to navigating through Covid-19. The whole world is connected and bonded by this. We are all watching, waiting to be updated on the global count of infections and complications, looking out to see what wave will come next. With love and gratitude in our hearts for this planet and humanity, we take a step back to evaluate what matters most and where our values in life stand. Family, our community, living presently, uplifting others, the natural world, and keeping our mind, body and spirit stimulated and fulfilled are what matter most to us. 

Submerged in news reports that tell us of borders closing, restrictions to public spaces, hospitals overwhelmed, grocery stores without stock, a toilet paper crisis, not being able to see people we love and potential violence increasing is heartbreaking. These changes are some of the most significant waves any of us have ever faced in our life. 

So, what was our solution to be happier and more at peace on our journey when the world is enforcing social distancing and filling our minds with fear? We went camping, like Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn, we hid from the world for a few days with hopes of finding perspective, adventure and a fresh outlook into what we were going to do next. 

Connecting with nature and unplugging from the world was what we needed. Camping teaches you to live simply and to embrace the present moment. When nothing is certain, anything is possible. Embracing the uncertainty, trusting the wait and living in the now is all you can do. All we can hope for is to enjoy and not to fear the sensation of growth that comes from shedding old layers, old stories and old fears. Allow life to lead you now to become the truest, you-est, you. When you know how to find your solution, no matter where you are or what's going on around you in your life, you will always have peace. Spending time outdoors appreciating nature, taking your mind away from the news, and connecting with yourself is what your body and mind need right now.

With just a few days away, we felt filled up with new energy and an abundance of gratitude to help us on our journey to combat what comes next. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be documenting our journey through COVID-19 and how we are growing through the waves the world is creating. We will be updating you on how we are staying healthy, safe and motivated to embrace these changes. There is always an opportunity to persevere even when faced with the harshest adversity. Visualize yourself moving forward and never, ever, give up. 

"The ship of my life may or may not be sailing on calm and amiable seas. The challenging days of my existence may or may not be bright and promising. Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude. If I insist on being pessimistic, there is always tomorrow. Today I am blessed." - Maya Angelou